One Last Nibble...
Published Saturday, January 20, 2007 by Chris Betcher | E-mail this post the Niblick.
Yes, Donna's old stomping ground was the place for that one-last-drink with my work colleagues (and anyone else who felt like dropping in) My workroom buddies arranged for a final get-together at the Niblick Pub on Saturday night, which was quite fitting since it was the very first place that I met many of them just over a year ago when they gathered there for a farewell drink for Dave. Dave and Heidi arrived back from Australia this morning, so it was great that Dave could also join us at the pub as well. Ah, the circle of life...
Much beer was consumed, although not so much by me. I had way too much to think about the next day to have been doing it with a hangover so I took it pretty easy. I did however have a Grade 11 student turn up at one stage to buy me a shot of farewell bourbon, just for old times sake. Thanks Jorge.
It was a nice evening, with plenty of laughs and shared moments. The girls from my workroom even gathered together to give me a hummer. You had to be there. Thanks ladies!
Sean turned up as the only non-schoolie, but of course he fit right in and was chatting away to people as though he'd known them forever. Eventually though, the night had to end, so I said more goodbyes and got lots hugs and kisses and handshakes. Sean had the munchies so he, Dave and I swung by Pizza Pizza for a few slices of Canadian goodness before we all finally walked home.
Thanks to everyone who organised the night, especially Lorain and Jen who seemed to be the masterminds behind it. I truly appreciated the chance to have just one more final goodbye with everyone who came along.
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