No More Teachers, No More Books
Published Friday, January 19, 2007 by Chris Betcher | E-mail this post 

Friday was my last day at Trinity. It was a busy couple of weeks, with plenty of assessment tasks, culminating tasks, exams, etc in order to get everything completed and wrapped up before I left. There will still be reports to write, but at the time of me leaving, Trillium (the reporting software) was not open yet for Semester 1 reports so I guess I will have to do those from Australia. Luckily they are web-based, so that ought not be too much of a problem.
The kids were great too... they said nice things to me and I even got a few cards from some of them. My BTA class turned up with boxes of Tim Horton's donuts and we snacked out. My BTT kids turned up with chips and pop, and I was even treated to a special
display of jumprope from two of them who are rather expert in that area. We had an enjoyable last day and I was reminded of just why I love teaching so much. It's all about the kids.
On Thursday, the staff at Trinity held a bit of a shindig in the library after school. It was advertised as a "special staff meeting" and I had no prior idea about it, but a few people made comments during the day that sort of raised my suspicions. It was a nice sendoff with a lovely speech by Angelo and some nice gifts as well - a Team Canada hockey jersey and tuque, as well as a very cool Trinity coach's shirt. There were munchies and snacks and a nice going-away cake too, although I'm not sure about the design on the cake. A bit too "rainbow parade" for me. :-)
I took the opportunity to get around and see as many people as possible. I tried to see nearly everyone, but I'm sure there were many that I missed, so please accept my apologies if I didn't get to you. I did send an email message to everyone just to say goodbye just in case.
There was only one final school farewell to go, and that was for drinks at the Niblick on Saturday night. Dave would even be back for that one!
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