Saying Thanks
Published Thursday, January 18, 2007 by Chris Betcher | E-mail this post 
For what it's worth, this is a copy of the letter I asked to be sent to all the staff at Trinity...
As my time here at Holy Trinity draws to a close I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone here for such a wonderful year. Taking yourself, your work and your family and uprooting a comfortable existence to go and live in another country for a year is a big decision. When Dave Grace and I first started talking about an exchange it was full of unknowns and before we left Australia there were still plenty of times when I wondered if I was doing the right thing.
As soon as we arrived in Canada however, I was certain I was doing the right thing. 2006 has been an absolutely amazing year for my family and myself and I wouldn’t have missed the experience for anything. We’ve travelled to many parts of eastern Canada, enjoyed some of the cottage lifestyle of the Muskokas, experienced different weather and lifestyle, but mostly we got the chance to get to know Canada by getting to know Canadians. It has been the people we’ve met, far more than any other aspect of the exchange that has been the most rewarding and incredible aspect of our year.
I wanted to thank everyone here at Holy Trinity for making me feel so welcomed into the school community, and being so willing to help me, share ideas and talk about life in general and education in particular. I’ve met many people here at Trinity with whom I’ve developed very close friendships and who I hope to be able to continue to stay in touch with in coming years.
The chance to experience a different work environment and a different educational system has been really valuable both personally and professionally, and while I may have expressed my occasional frustration at things that seemed odd or inefficient to me, I have really valued the opportunity to experience those differences. I will certainly return home to Australia with fresh ideas from the many great things that I’ve seen happening here at Trinity.
What really stood out to me though was the warmth and caring that you all show to the kids you teach, and to each other. The teachers at Trinity are what make this place great, and I thank you for allowing me to be a part of your community.
I suspect that I will be back here at some stage, and of course, if you’re ever in Australia I would love to be able to return some of your hospitality.
Thanks again for everything you’ve done for me.
King regards,
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