Happy Birthday Pete

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We got invited to Pete C's birthday bash last weekend, and had a great night. It seems like all we've done is party lately! Thanks Pete and Jen for inviting us and sharing the event with us.

We feel extremely fortunate to have made so many wonderful friends here in Canada and feel so lucky to have been able to become a part of such a great community and neighbourhood. As the time gets closer to having to say goodbye I can tell it's going to be very hard to do, and am not looking forward to saying those goodbyes at all.

People keep asking me do I miss Australia, and the truth is I just haven't really given it that much thought... we have been made so welcome here and made so many friends that our cups are overflowing just from the experience of being here in Canada... we don't get much time to think about "back home"... this place feel so much like home already.

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