Lots of stuff going on
Published Saturday, September 17, 2005 by Chris Betcher | E-mail this post 
Got news from Helen yesterday that our medical forms have arrived and she will be sending them out by Express Post. We should have them on Monday. I emailed back to ask if I can assume that our visa applications went through ok and she replied that they had. Well that was quick! I had expected the work permits/visas to take a lot longer than that, so it was a pleasant surprise.
We have the Exchange Teachers Conference coming up this Friday and Helen says that it will be a great source of information about what we need to do before, during and after the exchange. (Well, maybe not so much after... I made that bit up) But it will be good to get some more direction on things like tax, flights, what to take and what to leave behind. We are trying to guess a lot of things which I'm hoping will become a bit clearer after next Friday.
The work around the house is still happening, and we painted the kitchen last week and touched up a couple of other walls. Today I took the sliding doors off the back toilet and the laundry to give them a coat of estapol... a job that has needed doing since the extension was put on a couple of years ago but that we never seem to get around to doing. Donna is out at the moment buying some more plants for the backyard, since she really wants to make the place look good for the exchange. Oh, and we have painted half the front fence, but its a really big job that takes ages to do. We will get to the other half of it eventually.
We've also been tossing around ideas about what to do with the cars and trailer while we're gone. Originally we had planned to sell it all and replace the cars when we get back, but we're starting to think about how much you lose when you sell a car and are thinking that the fewer times we buy and sell the better. So at this stage we're thinking we might keep the XL-7 and the trailer, but sell the BMW. Donna drove a brand new Toyota Echo the other day and quite liked it, so it looks like one of those might be on the cards when we get back. We also emailed a few car places in Toronto about getting a car while we are there. I think I'm just more confused than ever, and will probably wait till we get there before we worry too much about it.
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