Getting the picture
Published Tuesday, July 12, 2005 by Chris Betcher | E-mail this post 
Spent some time chatting to Dave tonight on MSN, and we exchanged a few location files from Google Earth. What an amazing tool that is! We checked out each others houses and schools, he showed me exactly where lake Kashwakamak is (where they have a holiday cottage). It's really a very cool concept to be able to surf around each others neighbourhoods using satellite photos, seeing where the local schools and shops are. I feel like I'm getting to know my way round already!
Oh, we also had a closet at the end of the hall that was always pretty daggy and ugly. Funny how when you know someone else will be living in your house, suddenly things that you've put up with for years are no longer acceptable :-) We ripped it out yesterday, and I spent the morning patching, filling, sanding and painting the walls. We went out and bought a new bookshelf that will fill the space, and I have to admit the hallway will look much better.
Oh, also, Dave if you're reading this... Donna decided to move all the furniture around (again) so those photos we sent you are now all wrong. Will try to get some updated ones to you.
What a difference in weather you will be experiencing. I'm assuming you arrive in January so I hope you will be well prepared for the 70 degree difference! Best of luck to you and your family, Canada is lovely (especially in the winter) and I am sure you will have a great time.
70 degree? Either Australia is much hotter, or Canada is much colder than I realised. Summers here are usually in the 30s, and Winters there can get to the minus 20s or so if what I've heard is correct.
But that's all part of the fun. I'm wondering who will get the biggest shock, me going to extreme cold, or Dave going to extreme humidity. :-)
I was thinking with the windchill, which can lower the temperature by 20 degrees. Though I think that except for the odd ice storm, Toronto has it much better weather wise than we do in Edmonton.
Cool. (literally!)
Thanks for the info Emma. I'm impressed that someone actually read my blog! :-)